Despite growing up watching Creature Double Feature, I only recently discovered this little gem. I watched it for the second time last night and it's becoming one of my favorite Big Creature films. I've always enjoyed Bert I. Gordon's stuff, but had missed this one. It's Small Theater/Drive-In perfection. It has the same teenagers in a small town vibe that makes the original The Blob so much fun. Having grown up in a small town, I can attest that most of the young people don't cause much real trouble. Not much more than some under-age drinking and/or parties in the woods. The cops would raid your party, confiscate the beer, and send you home. Oh, and if there was an Alien Blob or a Giant Spider, they would not have believed you. Grab a big bowl of popcorn and a thick rolled-up newspaper and watch this flick.
By - sigersen