-Gilgamesh feels like an easy pick for this style of deck since every card will be buffed. Even though shadow king definitely gonna make a comeback this week lol.
-Quicksilver pwr2 / Domino pwr3/ Wiccan pwr7 set doesn't seem as bad with the +2 buffed power.
-Gladiator feels like the best general card for 8 pwr cause of cheap cost.
-Thena:0/Kitty:1/Galacta:6/Elsa:4 playset seems doable to build around. Even replace esla with hope:4 and throw in Luna:5 too. 2 and 3 are free for tech cards.
Destroy Eson seems pretty easy to build! Didn't look at discard cause they are the bane of my existence 😷
By - OkTeach7253