this country is called "Aesteria" basically it's like this african inspired country where it has places similar to Nigeria.
my first dream with this country was this abnormal thing that was happening, i don't know what really was it but it was this creature or something coming out of the ocean and it was causing chaos and destruction.
the second dream i had with the country was about this military operation being done in a jungle of Aesteria or something like that(maybe because it's me playing too much of ace combat games lol.)
the dream really never explained the operation part- but what the dream mainly showed was a jungle in Aesteria, there was also some military personnel in the photo too(i think), and that's about it really.
i really liked the concept of Aesteria in my dreams so i decided to make it apart of a on-going story i've been thinking about for a while now.
but other than that, i hope you guys could probably tell me what having two different dreams about a fictional country actually means.
By - Lasxir_Derp